372 Lafayette

Construction scaffolding has come down at Morris Adjmi Architects' 372 Lafayette in NoHo, revealing an industrially inspired facade. Taking cues from the historic cast iron structures of the neighborhood, the six-story facade is composed of brick and metal piers with divided light windows. A residential lobby and retail space occupies the ground floor while eleven rental units occupy the upper floors. The top floor pulls back from the facade to create a rooftop terrace.
10 Bond (left) and 372 Lafayette (right) from the corner of Bond and Lafayette Street.
East façade from Lafayette Street.
East façade from Lafayette Street.
Façade close-up.
East façade of 10 Bond (left) and 372 Lafayette (right) from Lafayette Street.
Northeast corner close-up.
10 Bond (left) and 372 Lafayette (right) from the corner of Lafayette and Great Jones Street.
North façade from Great Jones Street.
Looking east along Great Jones Street towards 22 Bond (left) and 372 Lafayette (right)..
Architect: Morris Adjmi Architects; Program: Residential Rentals, Retail; Location: NoHo, New York, NY; Completion: 2015.